This report is disturbing.

John Kerry’s words:

Are you kidding me? The United States is going to start sanctioning our allies and their banks and their businesses [who do business with Iran] because we walked away from a deal?

And we’re going to force them to do what we want them to do — Even though they agreed to the deal we came to?

Are you kidding?

That is a recipe, very quickly, my friends… for them to walk away from Ukraine.

Where they are already very dicey and ready to say they have done their bit.

They’re ready to say, “we’re the ones paying the price for your sanctions.”

It was Obama who went out and actually put together a sanctions regime that had an impact — I went to China. I persuaded China not to buy more oil.

We persuaded India and other countries to step back.

Could you imagine trying to sanction them after persuading them to put in place sanctions to bring Iran to the table, and when they have not only come to the table but they made a deal, we turn around an nix the deal, and then turn around and impose the sanctions anyway.

That is a recipe, my friends, businesspeople here, for the American dollar to cease to be the reserve currency of the world, which is already bubbling out there.

The problem with the Iran deal on the table is that it enables Iran to fund terrorism in the short term and enables Iran to build nuclear weapons in the mid-to-long term. This will lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East (if Iran can do it, then so can Egypt and the Saudis; they’ve openly announced as much), and then it won’t be long until one of those nuts starts a nuclear war.

Kerry can’t defend the deal on its merits, so what he’s saying here is America is weak and impotent and can neither lead nor act independently, and therefore we must take our marching orders from China. Which, by the way, would be fine if the deal were a good one. But it’s a suicide pact, so Kerry’s only shot is to argue we have no choice.

Kerry’s focus on the global status of the dollar is telling. The dollar is becoming less popular as a global reserve currency in consequence of America’s long-term fiscal irresponsibility. For many years, we have failed to live within our means as a nation or as a government. This weakens us over time, as we become beholden to foreign producers and creditors. And when the dollar truly falls out of international favor and the day of reckoning comes upon us, we will be left in dire economic straits.

It’s no surprise that those in power are lining up their scapegoats in preparation for our coming fall from grace. The Iran deal is as relevant to the dollar’s disfavor as a YouTube video was to Benghazi. But, as with Benghazi, Obama’s people are hoping that a good narrative will distract from reality and preserve their collective rumps.

You can see that this line of argument — “We must do it so we won’t disappoint the foreigners!” — is an official talking point, because Hillary is saying the same thing.

“The Europeans, the Russians, the Chinese, they’re going to say, ‘We stuck with the Americans. We agreed with the Americans. We hammered out this agreement. I guess their president can’t make foreign policy,’” Clinton said at a campaign stop in Manchester. “That’s a very bad signal to send in a quickly moving and oftentimes dangerous world.”

Also, as an interesting aside, note that Kerry said we must approve the Iran deal to keep the anti-Russia coalition intact (referring to Ukraine), whereas Hillary says we must approve the Iran deal to keep Russia as an ally. Get your stories straight, Madame and Mister Secretary of State! (Although, to be fair, Hillary has her “Reset Button” legacy to maintain, whereas Kerry has always been at war with Eastasia.)

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15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Shifra says:

    Please, Lurch, jump into the presidential race. Puh-leeze! So we can mock and belittle you and take this clip and play it endlessly, so that even the Low Information Voters will know what a jerk you really are.

  2. Dave says:

    This man is a traitor and always has been. It is hard to believe he has the power to say and do this imbecilic nonsense. These statements and ‘deals’ are constructs for enemies of the United States of America.

    • Piquerish says:

      I believe Kerry was and is a traitor, too. I will never ever forgive the calumnies he threw like crap from a monkey island at me and my fellow Vietnam Veterans, including those who gave the final measure. Kerry is an effete light-weight risible coward who engineered three faux Purple Hearts in order (1) to escape Vietnam, and (2) to pass himself off as some kind of majestic hero. I place the sob at the very pinnacle of liberals I detest the most. He eclipses even the mincing asshat this benighted nation plopped into the White House. And the band played on.

  3. robscaffe says:

    Somebody needs to throw him over the White House fence..

  4. Alain41 says:

    Kerry’s principled leadership argument here really refutes the Swift Boaters. Not!

    Regarding his mention of currency; Opening sentence of recent New York Sun editorial titled, The Fiat Yuan; “If the Communist Chinese devalue the yuan against a dollar that is appreciating against gold, has the yuan gone up or down?…” That’s a good question. Whole of editorial is against U.S. currency being fiat currency (not aligned with anything real such as gold). I favor a currency tied to multiple commodities but would accept tied to gold over today’s situation if majority want that. Complaints about China manipulating currency would largely go away if U.S. dollar was aligned to something real. At the least, any China manipulation would involve a cost. Now, much of China manipulation doesn’t have a cost unless we actively influence market response. However, China ‘devaluing’ several days in a row does have a market cost because it’s too much. Even then though, is China’s cost greater than ours? Even when their reason is internal and not directly connected to international commerce, if China doesn’t lose much, if any, to its major international competitor, then devaluation is encouraged.

  5. deaves1 says:

    America is weak and impotent because of Obama’s lack of foreign policy. Next president will have its hands full. Iran does not intend to abide by the “Good Deal”. Will continue to do as it pleases.

  6. strider says:

    Buys him just enough time to leave town before it hits the fan.

  7. strider says:

    Iran will attain and make use of whatever hardware they want soon and the administration and its camp followers are positioning themselves to be blameless in the aftermath whether the deal is approved or not by congress.

  8. Pat_S says:

    So Kerry brokered a bad deal that we are stuck with or we stand to lose even more. And he’s boasting about it like it is a personal accomplishment. What an ass.

  9. Piquerish says:

    A weak and impotent America is the liberals’ late afternoon wet dream. John Effing Kerry, the marriage-upjumped-times-two, self-aggrandized, four-flushing phony is the perfect Judas Goat with a traitor’s heart to run the administration’s rainbow-colored clown car straight into the ditch … regrettably, taking the whole nation with them. This libtardic kakistocracy is many levels beneath contempt. Nero had a lyre – and we have a liar.

  10. hbmuzik says:

    Aggggghhhhh!!! Where do all these liberal sleezeballs come from??? Is there some demon-run mill in Massachusetts that churns them out by the hundreds? They see up as down, in as out, good as bad, evil as honorable, devious as shrewd, holy as wicked, and moral as repugnant. They’re like all those water-totin’ brooms in Mickey Mouse’s Sorcerer’s Apprentice. They just keep coming and coming and coming…endlessly!

    I. Just. Don’t. Get. It.

    Again, Aggggggghhhhhh!!!

  11. dennisl59 says:

    An update to this story:

    This weapon has been discussed for many years…

    posted 8/19 1011am Texas[Neutron]Time

  12. dennisl59 says:

    An update to this story:

    Deal Violates Federal Law? ROTFLMAO~!

    posted 10/8 1059pm Texas[Pass The Ketchup]Time

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